Friday, January 6, 2017

Alleged Russian Hacking the DNC

Why all of sudden are we changing the focus of the Presidential Election. Republicans won, Democrats lost. This hacking thing between countries has been going on for years. This leaking of documents and e-mails has been going on for years. Everyone not living under a rock knows this. The hacking of the DNC did not alter the election. The lying, the stealing, the blatant disregard for the safety of our citizens serving at the behest of our government in foreign countries altered the course of this election. The people of this country chose someone who promised to make changes now and for people who need it now. I care about the future, but I have no intention of waiting around. If I heard one speech about the future of the children I must of heard a hundred. I'll take care of my children. You take care of me and I guarantee you my children will be fine. I'm the Mamma. I know how to make them aware of Global Warming and all the fine messes we are currently looking at. Let's get started now. Let's focus on what is important and quit WASTING TIME. There's work to do. Let's do it.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Memories for the Grandkids

I decided I want to make something for my youngest grandchildren to remember me by. I am going to crochet something for both of them. I spent the last week preparing. Found all my books, needles and yarn (not using since most of it is over 30 years old). Purchased at least $100 dollars in more supplies (you just never know), and have more on the way. This has to be the dumbest thing I have done in my life (besides my second marriage). I've spent the last 3 days trying to figure out the pattern, getting the best ergonomic hook, and trying to crochet. I'll bet it's been 30 years since I've done this. My hands don't seem to want to comply. I'd love to video tape this for you, but all you would hear is me laughing. Later I'd be crying and cursing. But I am determined. FOR THE CHILDREN. Plus I've got too much money invested in this. I want to have a real good explanation for Chuck when he wonders why we are having beans every night for dinner next week. IT'S FOR THE KIDS. I CAN'T LET THEM DOWN.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Mark Mayo's remarks posted on FB - Re: Slanderous Remarks Rebuttal I just read a bucket load of shit prepared by a family member, can't figure out what it was designed to do, what is clear to me is this person is VERY misguided and I hope we all can see it for what it truly is, a crock of bullshit to the 10th degree. It's very sad to hear those words that I know for a FACT are incorrect and sadly misguided. ***********************************************MY STATEMENT TO MARK MAYO************************************************************* What is really sad about the above statement is the fact that you send this crap to people WHO KNOW YOU. They also KNOW CHRIS. What part of of the PREPARED statement was a load of shit? What was it designed to do? GET YOUR FUCKING ATTENTION I guess. As I said before everyone knows you & your wife. They know what kind of psycho-babble you spew. They know what kind a paranoid personality you have. They know you can't deal with everyday reality. They also know your wife is a drug addict & an alcoholic. They also know she is a thief and a liar. YOU KNOW THIS TOO, but for some reason you have decided to forget these facts. Do you truly think that the statements made were shit? What has happened to your memory. Do you want me to recall instances where you, me, Chuck, Kathy, Jasmine, Shawn, Roger, Beattie & lots more people were present when your wife was drunk or drugged. Weren't their emergency personnel involved once? Do you truly think that I don't know about her military service? Do you think I don't know about her getting in trouble for stealing prior to her trying to join the Navy? Do you think I don't know that she couldn't get into the Navy because of her record & had to join the Marine Corps instead? The Navy would not take her, and she got a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. You think I did not see her discharge papers? Do you think that I don't know about my sister? Do you think my Mother kept anything from me? She didn't. She told me everything. You think I wasn't there for the Wilbur crisis? I was there for the whole horrible heart wrenching ordeal. I was there while Chris tried to fuck up my Mother's marriage, and fuck up Wilbur's life. I was there for psychiatric report after Chris' visits. I was there when my Mother sat her down at the table & told her she had two choices, get her shit together or she could go live somewhere else. That should give you some idea of what the report said. The problem here is the fact that you, in your weakened mental state, have bought into all this for the last 30 years. You have been programmed by her, just as she has been programmed by you. You both have done a wonderful job on one another. You are both FUBAR. Unfortunately you both were doomed the night you walked into my bathroom so many years ago. I really can't say anymore. It does no good. You don't get it. She doesn't get it. You never will. I can't keep beating myself up over this. Try as I might I can't reach either one of you. There is something unholy and evil about both of you. Your minds are so completely out of whack it just scares the shit out of me. Both of you are so smart, have so much potential, but you both live in a complete alternate reality. But know this, I probably won't stop trying. I love my sister. I might not like her, but I love her. I don't like you all the time either, but I love you. You are my sister's husband. I believe there is hope. Hope for me, hope for Jasmine & her children, hope for all of us.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Running Of The Bulls by Christopher Smith

I confess that this second novel "Running Of The Bulls" by Christopher Smith is totally enthralling.  I really enjoyed it.  His "Bullied" series is top notch too.

Mr. Smith in conjunction with the release of  "Running Of The Bulls"  is giving away a new iPad2 64GB with Wi-Fi + 3G.

Click the link below to see the giveaway and be sure to download his latest novel & his latest book in the "Bullied" series.  YOU WON'T BE SORRY.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lance Armstrong

I don't suppose anyone out there cares what I think.  I'm just an old woman who lives in a small town in southern Ohio.  But,  I am a big fan of Lance Armstrong, Team RadioShack & pro cycling.  So... I say this.  Let's do something else with our  tax dollars.  Let's do something else with our time.  Let's cure cancer, or create jobs, or house the homeless OK!!!  I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS.    This man has done more for cancer research & cancer survival than anyone I know.  Let's look at the BIG PICTURE shall we.   Lance Armstrong is my HERO. Lance Armstrong is the MAN.  Hands down.  No doubt.  I BELIEVE in him & his cause.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This story is for Jason with undying gratitude, and for Donna who loves her Buddy.
My new neighbors, who apparently are trailer trash renting a house now, have 2 yapping small dogs.
They bark incessantly, sometimes for 45 min to an hour, and the owners do nothing except sit in their house and listen to them.

This has gone on now for a couple months, and you have no idea the things I have been thinking.
Call the police???  Confront them???  Or, dare I say it,  POISON!!!!  Yes,  I was being pushed to the edge!!

Well, I talked to my son about this and he suggested I get a dog whistle.  Kids say the darnest things.
I thought how the heck is that gonna work.  I checked out my options on the internet.  Bought a dog whistle.
Low and behold it works.  When they start barking, I blow the whistle and tell them "NO". They stop barking right away.

The quiet is wonderful.  Can't wait to open the pool.  At least I will be able to sit in the back yard & enjoy my summer.

Would I have poisoned those dogs?  NO,  but the thought did cross my mind.  Several times.
You work hard all your life,  finally get a home,  the things you want and some asshole spoils it for you.
I think not.

People need to show respect for their neighbors.  I DO NOT ALLOW MY CAT to roam the neighborhood and crap in other peoples yards.

I respect my neighbors and demand the same from them.   It is the right thing to do.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

BULLIED - Book One by Christopher Smith

Downloaded the book this evening for 2 reasons.
First -  I'm a fan of Chris' first novel "Fifth Avenue", his WeekinRewind website and his FaceBook pages.
Second - He has some pretty awesome giveaways too.

Seth Moore, a pimply faced kid who has been bullied all his life, is about to face his biggest challenges.  This won't be easy for Seth.  But with help from his new friends and an amulet,  things are going to change for him in a big way.

Are his new friends really "friends"?  How is going to overcome all the years of  hate and degradation?

Will Seth become a better person or turn out to be as evil as the people bulling him?

This series gives an inside look at what it is like to be bullied and to be the one doing the bulling.  There is tension and drama.  There is love and redemption.

I can't wait to find out.   I really liked this book.   I want MORE and I want it NOW.

That being said, I highly recommend this book.  Move over  Dean Koontz and Stephen King.

You can find "Bullied" here:

Don't let this one slip away.